Instead of a museum, the house of Esma and Stevo - Shame! Here is what the interior looks like (Photo)

The house of Esma and Stevo Teodosievski, which after their death was supposed to be a museum of humanity and music - is falling apart. Only bare walls are literally left of the building, and in the interior only some worthless remnants testify that someone lived in it at the time.

Everything that someone thought was valuable was taken away, and to make the irony even greater, the cables were also torn from the walls. Only some old newspapers and photos scattered on the floor stand as silent witnesses to the life of the queen of Romani song Esma.

The key to the house, as it was written at one time, is held by Esma's grandchildren, who contest her will and do not allow Esma and Stevo's wish to be realized and the house to be turned into a museum. But even if that happens, no one knows where all the valuable items from the home have been taken.

It is said that a photo is worth a thousand words, so we bring you exclusive photos of the interior, which are silent witnesses to the disrespect of the image and work of the great Esma and Stevo.






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