The SP BTR documentary "Life at the Crossroads" had an effect! Little Sali Ademov, who used to beg on the streets as a child, now goes to school

A little over a year ago, the SP BTR documentary "Life at the Crossroads" directed by Zoran Dimov, had its premiere, where it left the audience in tears and deep emotions. The story is about the marginalization, the economic insecurity, the struggle for existence of a five-member Roma family, which was also faced with people without documents and without a roof over their heads.

Now the formalities with the documents are almost over, and soon they will receive their personal documents. But one of the main benefits is that one of the main characters, little 8-year-old Sali Ademov, who was begging on the streets of Skopje together with his parents, started a new, beautiful period of his life. He started attending school to formalize his education.

The point of the documentary and the director Dimov himself was to somehow send a message to the state and society that those families should be given a chance to live their lives equal to everyone else. The news is here, "Life at the Crossroads" had an effect!



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