Infamia Polish series in 8 sequels with Roma theme on NETFLIX

The film INFAMIA revolves around a 17-year-old girl who lives trapped between her Roma roots and the pressures of her parents and friends. She aspires to be a hip-hop artist despite her strict parents.

After several years of living in the United Kingdom, a young Roma woman named Gita and her family return to their native Poland. There, Geeta tries to find herself, discover her passion and live the life of a girl her age.

But when he falls in love, he must reconcile the modern teenage world with the family rules imposed by tradition.

Released on August 6, this production runs in 8 45-minute episodes and currently has only one season. The film is directed by Alina Malizhevska, written by Dana Lukasinska, Alina Malizhevska and Julieta Olshevska. The main role is played by the Roma woman Zofia Jastržbska, and the other main roles are played by Sebastian Lach, Magdalena Cervinjska.





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