Kostadinovska-Stojchevska: To distinguish between Roma and Gypsies, the Roma are a people inscribed in the Constitution

As informed by the Ministry of Culture, Kostadinovska-Stojchevska emphasized that although Macedonia is a small country in terms of territory, it is home to numerous ethnic communities.

"The Roma are a nation that is recognized and inscribed in the Macedonian Constitution, they have their own municipality, their own mayor, their own local self-government, unique in Europe. But it does not mean that prejudices have automatically disappeared. The efforts of the institutions, but even more of the non-governmental sector, were long-lasting, to first of all make a difference between gypsy and Roma, to understand that the first word has offensive symbolism, and that the second is the correct word. Roma as a people," said the Minister of Culture.

She added that highly appreciating the Roma culture and its uniqueness as their inseparable identity mark, the Ministry of Culture, despite several weaknesses highlighted in the National Action Plan for Culture, is a strong ally and supporter of the implementation of the Roma Inclusion Strategy 2022 – 2030.

She emphasized that culture is not omnipotent, but it is a strong message and therefore, as she said, through national cultural values, we should enrich the colorfulness of the identity map of Europe and, with mutual respect, create a common cultural space, comfortable for everyone.

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