A new film about the Roma and music "Kalafon" is being shot. A crowdfunding campaign has been launched

Production ETM, which is working on the realization of Vuk Bogdanović's debut short film "Calafon", a work that affirms the musical creativity of the Roma, while highlighting the problems faced by discriminated and marginalized population groups, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on the Indiegogo platform. .

The film is also supported by the National Council of the Roma National Minority. The project of that film was supported the previous year at the competition of the Film Center of Serbia, whose committee emphasized in its explanation that it is a particularly high-quality project that stands out due to the knowledge of the material and the milieu in which the film takes place, and the author's great love for the main actors.

The plot of the film is based on the traditions, customs and music of the Roma, introducing us to this fantastic world through the cinematic poetics of the author.

Roma culture inspired the author to explore the problems faced by this national minority, the harsh life of musicians, baristas, waitresses, parties, the abuse of child labor, the magical circle of poverty and lack of education, the illegal labor market, invisibility in the state system. ..

The film will contain original Roma music, which will be rescued from oblivion and in this way will be presented to a wider audience.

In addition, there will be original music that will live its pub life for a long time.

The director wants to show his vision of the life stories of Roma musicians using the authentic language of the film and to point out this social phenomenon through his aesthetics.

In addition to directing, he also wrote the screenplay for this film.

As planned, the film "Kalophon" will be screened at all relevant domestic and foreign short film festivals.

Link: https://www.danas.rs/kultura/pokrenuta-kraudfanding-kampanja-za-kratkometrazni-film-kalafon/


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