The "Romani Jagorin" awards, organized by Romalitico, were awarded

On June 20, the "Romani Jagorin" event was held at the Macedonian Philharmonic in Skopje, organized by Romalitico. 23 awards were given in the fields of culture, art, tradition, Roma activism, music, humanity, social networks, for life's work, etc.

In the several-hour program, the most outstanding individuals, organizations, groups and institutions were invited to receive the awards that were previously proposed through a voting platform through social networks.

At the very beginning, Suad Skenderi promoted the platform for donations.

The following were awarded with the "Romani Jagorin" recognition by categories:

Special contribution to the Roma community of the Department for Implementation of the Strategy for Roma, Zekir Abdulov, Ahmet Jasharovski,

Dilbera Kamberovska, Zaklina Durmish, Kevsera Memedova, Nadir Redzepi,

Susana Amet, Enise Demirova, Zoran Dimov, Ljatife Shikovska, Samet Skenderi and Muhamed Tochi. special contribution to the development of the Roma community in the diaspora, Almir Sali, Admir Ismanovski and Andriano Djeladin for humanist of the year Sabuhan Feradovic for Roma social

responsible company Mi Casa restaurant for regional contribution to

promotion of Romani art Sead Kazanjiu from R. Albania, for athlete of the year Muni Elez. For the category of the most popular Romani singer Tarkan Suleimani. the award for the best actor Severdjan Bajram – Koljo, for special contribution directed by Burhan Rahim.

For special contribution to the literary creation Sevdija Abdulova.

for special contribution and promotion of Roma art Durmish Qazim,

Daniel Petrovski made a special contribution to researching Roma identity

contribution to the preservation and promotion of the Romani language Ljatif Demir,

special contribution to the promotion of Romani culture by the organization Romano Ilo, for the most popular Romani web portal 24 Vakti, the most popular band of the year Gazoza Band, for influencer of the year Snezhana Jasharovska. For a special contribution to Macedonian modern society

Gian Emin for the most popular brass band Jumbo Agushevi Band, for musical lasting values of Ibus Ibraimoski. Acknowledgments about an animal

by the humanitarian association "Esma and Stevo Teodosievski", Shaip Yusuf.

Ferus Mustafov, and Faik Abdi

In the category for the most popular song for 2022 Aigara Band and friends for the song Shutka. The host of the event was Sunaj Sabrioski, the actor Djengiz Husein had his own stand-up, and Gypsy Soul and Roma Rock School also had their performances.


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