Prices have not risen in 500 years. German neighborhood where the rent costs 0.88 euros per year!

The prices of apartments and houses in the metropolises around the world and how they have increased, because of the pandemic and because of the crisis in which the whole world is already deeply involved.

The madness with real estate prices is also felt in many European capitals. Anyone who has looked for an apartment in Berlin, Dublin, Paris and other big cities knows how difficult it is.

However, there are also different examples. Although they sound like part of the "believe it or not" column, they are a reality. It is about the idyllic German settlement of Fugueray, where the price of renting an apartment has not changed since the 16th century and is 88 cents a year.

The dream neighborhood is located in the Bavarian city of Augsburg. It is also one of the oldest cities in Germany, as evidenced by its name: namely, it was founded by order of the Roman Emperor Augustus as a military camp. Even then, about 10,000 people lived here, and later it became one of the largest cities of the Holy Roman Empire.




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