On June 1, the latest documentary of the SP BTR Production "Life on a Crossroad" will be premiered at the Cinematheque of Macedonia.

On June 1, 2023, in the Cinematheque of Macedonia within the framework of the 21st edition of the film festival "Golden Belt 2023", the documentary of SP BTR Production "Life on a Crossroad" will be premiered.

The film strip will show the daily life and calvary of a 5-member Roma family that seeks its survival through the streets of Skopje by peddling. Rejected on the margins of society, the main protagonists Gani Ademov, his unmarried wife Yuksela Abdioska, as well as their three children Sali (9), Ozgan (5) and baby Kemal, are forced to beg for their everyday life. It is even more tragic that Yuksela and the three children have no identity documents. This family is also homeless.

In the film, you will also hear about Ghani's prison days in Idrisovo, where he was sentenced to 7 years in prison for attempting to rob UNPROFOR of 1 million dollars, about incest in Yuksela's family, as well as about the dream of little Sally to be a singer. The director of the film is Zoran Dimov. The script is by Ramush Muarem – Cirko and Zoran Dimov. The camera is by Isein Bajram, As.directed by Umer Nedjip, edited by Vladimiri Ovcharovski. The film was financially supported by the Film Fund of Macedonia.

Trailer:: https://www.facebook.com/cirdar.emen/videos/1283457732576475



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