Ferus Mustafov has been hospitalized for three days and has been in a coma

Ferus Mustafov is hospitalized in the "8. September" in Skopje and is fighting for his life.

This was announced last night on "Facebook" by his nephew Fercho Mustafov, who today reveals new details about the health of the legendary Macedonian clarinetist and saxophonist.

"Everything was fine with my grandfather, everything was great, it worked as it should. For all of us this is a big shock. He suffered a stroke and has been in a coma for three days.

What I want to emphasize is that my grandfather received therapy, it was prescribed for him for life, but we don't know why a doctor took it away from him.

After he stopped that therapy, this happened, the stroke. Unexpected for all of us, of course also for his fans, because until a few days ago they saw him doing his daily tasks without any problem", his nephew Fercho Mustafov mentioned at the end

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