ERIAC : "Barvalipe" in Marseille and at the Cannes Film Festival

One of the most famous museums in France, MuCem in Marseille will host an exhibition dedicated to the history of the diversity of the Roma population in Europe from May 9.

This exhibition was developed in cooperation with the European Institute for Roma Culture and Art ERIAC under the title "Barvalipe" which translates as wealth.

"Barvalipe" was designed by a team of 19 people Roma, Sinti, Manush, Zitan, Travelers, as well as people from different non-Roma communities and profiles.

The purpose of the exhibition is to present the earliest accounts of the arrival of the Roma in Europe, their persecution that culminated in the Holocaust.

This part of the exhibition will deal with the role of stereotypical representations in culture and folklore, but also the very expression of the community through their language, the demand for their rights and more.

The other part of the exhibition is dedicated to the reflection of the notions of belonging and their identity.

Both in the first and second part of the exhibition, non-Roma works will be exhibited together with contemporary works of Roma sculptures, photographs and painters in order to enable the representatives of this community to give their vision of the two-century presence in Europe, affirming their culture.

The exhibition has 200 works and documents (printed materials, videos and selected audio recordings) from French and European public and private collections, from all over Europe.

ERIAK will also be presented at the Cannes Film Festival from May 17 to 20, where it will be presented with the film "Gipsy Queen" with Alina Serbian, a Roma actress who plays the main role in the film.

For the first time in the history of the Cannes Festival, Željko Jovanović, director of the office for Roma initiatives - Open Society, will also give his presentation.



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