We live in a world where funerals are more important than the deceased and weddings are more important than love

"We live in a world where funerals are more important than the deceased, where weddings are more important than love, and appearance is more important than memory. We live in a society where packaging is valued, and the content is despised. "

We are addicted to buying. Materialism feeds us, that desire to have, to buy, to gather. Newer model, faster, more expensive.

Funerals are more important than the deceased. In a desperate attempt to leave a good image behind, we will stop our tears, stifle our emotions. It is more important what kind of lunch will be served, what kind of flowers to set.

A dignified farewell to the deceased has become a thoughtful noun, and something so sad as the funeral has turned into an arena for competition and show.

Not to mention weddings. Everything is more important than understanding, trust and compromise. They replaced expensive hairstyles, make-up, buns, wedding cake, appetizers and invitations. As if they are necessary for a good and successful marriage.

Wedding as an event is more important than love. There can be no love - there must be a wedding!

And finally, we'll look at each other like long-forgotten old friends, turn off our phones and start behaving like humans, not robots.

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