The first clip from the documentary "Sky, Wheel, Land" has started. The first destination is Russia

As it was announced SP BTR Production started filming its latest documentary on the origin, history, tradition, culture and identity of the Roma nation "Sky, Wheel, Land".

The first flap and destination is Russia. On the way to the far side of the BTR Production team for Moscow, the Skopje team is made up of Zoran Dimov - producer Erhan Demir as cameraman Bajram Severdjan as an actor - narrator, and in Moscow they will be accompanied by Nadezhda Demeter, a Roma expert history, then Anatoly Butakov a fellow from Russia, and more prominent Russian Roma.

It is planned that in addition to interviews and talks, the Roma Festival, held in Moscow, will also feature a number of populated Roma settlements and Russian Roma.

Filming will take place there until the end of October, followed by talks with prominent Roma historians, including Dr Rajko Djuric, Trajko Petrovski MA, linguist Ljuan Koka, journalist Dragoljub Ackovic and others.

In early November, he will leave for Romania immediately.

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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