Rajko Djuric: The Decade of the Roma - the Slavic slaves of Europe

In the International Roma Organization, where I was president from 1990 to 2000, I claim at several international and European events in this period of Europe's largest national minorities may suffer from a "lack of virtue", but from a lack of law - human, civil and minority rights.

Regardless of whether the Roma live in the east or west, north or south of Europe, rich or poor countries, democratic or undemocratic countries, their lives and their position are no different.

In the picture that life can be seen on fingerprints of all barbaric times and historical phases, starting with slavery and feudalism through capitalism and a totalitarian system, ending with the negative consequences of transition and globalization.

National MP Dragoljub Micunovic said in a televised interview that Serbia's "train" is finally on the "track" that moves without turning to Europe.

It would be bad if the Roma remain in an unequal "wagon" of this composition, they live even more than a vile dream. Because it should not be forgotten: Europe is not governed by Europe, but by European spirit, whose fundamental values ​​are human rights and dignity. This should be the essence of the Roma Decade Program.

Link: http://arhiva.emins.org/srpski/dekada-roma?fbclid=IwAR1UuGHKGiZ5mJjpzqkPZP7HurI9xbBX4OXpDtFLMEyzTNdUsWeiSEIRzYo


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