Travel exhibition "Race diagnosis: Gypsy"

The title of the exhibition points to the inhumane pseudoscientific categorization of Sinti and Roma by the Nazis. Popularly called "Gypsies" were considered "suhumanis".

About 500,000 Sinti and Roma were killed by 1945. In more than 40 exhibition panels and twelve information tables can be clear and comprehensively Entrechtungsprozess, genocide and postwar history nachvollziehen. In Magdeburg there were so-called a gypsy camp on the wrong path.

The most famous resident of the camp was Erna Lauenburger it was a model for Unku in 1931 in the children's book Ede and Unku Grete Weiskopf. The city of Magdeburg was one of the first cities to build a monument for Sinti and Roma.

In the park of Fürstenwall is not far from the cathedral designed in 1998 Magdeburg sculptor Wolfgang Roßdeutscher monument on the occasion of the 470 Magdeburg Sinti and Roma who were killed in concentration camps.


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