The painter Sever Zolak photographs Sladjana Novakov and presents her as a Roma woman with an academic degree, a brave, elegant woman of exceptional beauty.

Sladjana Novakov is an educated Roma woman, with an academic degree, who no longer lives in an informal settlement. He is originally from the Roma settlement Opovo, near Zrenjanin, now lives in Belgrade and is 30 years old. Sever Zolak chose Sladjana for this portrait in order to remind the public of the fact that Roma women are extremely rarely an inspiration for artists, and that, even when they are present in different spheres of art, they are often demystified through the role of unusual women.

This is the first time Sladjana poses. This exhibition was staged in Belgrade, - Museum of the City of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia in the period from 15. 10. - 29. 10. 2020 where the model was Sladjana Novakov, the make-up by Dragan Vurdelja and the dress designed by Ines Jankovic




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