Due to racial profiling of Roma, S. Macedonia should pay a fine of 13,000 euros, the Court in Strasbourg decided

The European Court of Human Rights passed a verdict against S. Macedonia condemning the racial profiling of Roma at border crossings, and the verdict refers to five applicants of Roma ethnicity, represented by the European Center for Roma Rights (ECRR) from Brussels and private lawyers working for the Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers ( MAYL).

ECRR points out that on October 24, the Court found discrimination against four of the five Roma applicants and a violation of their freedom of movement, adding that the Court ordered the country, within three months after the ruling, to pay them compensation in different amounts based on non-material damage, in the total amount of 13,000 euros. ECRR says that in the judgment passed, the applicants are part of the people who were victims of racial profiling at the border crossings in 2014. The lawsuits before the domestic courts were filed with the joint assistance of the European Center for Roma Rights and the Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers.

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