IRU with a reaction to the insult to the Roma by Conner Russo, the president of the "Voruit" party from Belgium: "Joking or not, what was expressed is an insult to the Roma community, a reaction is needed"

After the recent controversy that rocked Belgium, caused by inappropriate remarks of Conner Rousseau, the president of the "VORUIT" political party, leaves a bitter taste not only for the Roma, but also for everyone who cherishes basic values.

The apology given during the press conference is in some respects good, but the lack of a specific apology to the Roma by Mr. Russo casts a shadow over its sincerity and raises the question of whether this incident is just a political maneuver or a genuine apology.

IRU reacts to the silence of the political elite regarding the support for the Roma community. Criticism of racism is present, but solidarity with those directly affected is absent. Where are the ministers from Belgium to express Belgium's bitterness in the EU institutions?

That is why the IRU asks the Belgian authorities, as well as the EU, to react promptly and preventively. So that the Roma from Belgium do not feel that they are left alone and without support. Conner Russo himself should know that it is the responsibility of political leaders to express themselves with great care and respect for all communities."

Belgium, as part and at the same time the "heart" of Europe, must show that it is open to all its citizens, regardless of skin color or cultural backgrounds.

In the future, the IRU will not tolerate such developments, and also, if insults continue in this way, it will engage in organizing, together with other relevant Roma organizations, mass protests throughout Belgium and other European cities," says the statement of the IRU signed by its president Zoran Dimov. .

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