Germany and racism: Sinti and Roma are threatened everywhere

In Germany, it is documented for the first time where and how "anti-Gypsyism" occurs. It is often found in state institutions. Are 621 registered incidents with an "anti-Gypsy" connotation in one year too many or too few? Is violence against Sinti and Roma decreasing or increasing? The Center for reports and information on "anti-Gypsy" phenomena (MIA) will be able to give answers to these questions in 2024 at the earliest. The balance that is now presented is a premiere. Unlike the status report published in 2021 by the Independent Commission, from now on the new form of reports is planned on an annual basis.

"With that, the MIA will shed light on a series of 'anti-Gypsy' crimes and incidents", writes in the foreword the president of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose. The MIA Center, which is funded by the Family Ministry in Germany, does not refrain from using discriminatory words for the sake of better understanding. "In our report, we use the term 'gypsy' in some places. Such an 'anti-Gypsy' term causes a lot of suffering, violence and isolation to this day. We use the term as rarely as possible and exclusively in quotation marks," the MIA team explains its decision. With quotation marks, it should be made clear that such a term and the "anti-Gypsy" representations and prejudices hidden behind it are only a construction. of the majority in society, say MIA.





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