At the beginning of October, 111 years since the famous Kumanovo battle, new details about the famous Roma trumpeter Amet Ametovich

At the beginning of October of the current year, 111 years have passed since the famous "Battle of Kumanovo". A significant contribution to the unfolding of this legendary battle against the Turkish Ottomans was made by the military trumpeter Amet Ametović, a Roma from Leskovac, who deceived the enemies of the Serbian army by playing the signal for retreat and the signal for the attack to the Serbian army... For such a deed, King of Serbia HRH Petar the First Karadjordjević was awarded him with the highest Serbian award. However, historians who later covered this battle made a careless mistake: that it was Ahmed Amedović (and not properly Amet Ametović). His descendants even today, among whom is Vladimir - Vlada Amzić, editor at the House of Roma Culture in Leskovac, beat the bull that that the mistake is corrected, and that at least one street in Leskovac bears the name of the legendary war trumpeter from Leskovac... During our conversation today, they told us that the people of Leskovac, like Nišlije, could erect a monument to this and other Roma musicians and form a youth music competition in Leskovac...


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