Video: Tragedy: One-year-old Roma girl dies a day after being placed in a foster family, her father seeks answers

On the afternoon of September 4, a one-year-old girl from Pečenjevac near Leskovac was placed in a foster family in the village of Šarlince, and the next morning her father was informed that his daughter had died. According to still unofficial information from pneumonia.

The unhappy father claims that the document for his consent to hand over the child to foster care was literally forged, and the Center for Social Work denies this.

"I'm just looking for answers." Three weeks have passed since then, and I don't know anything, nor have they told me anything at the Center for Social Work. They brought my dead child home without any documents, I buried him without a death certificate, and the autopsy report is still not there," said Denis Demirovic, the father of the deceased girl.

The director of the Center for Social Work, Predrag Momčilović, claims that Demirović voluntarily gave his consent that day for the two girls to be placed in a foster family and that all legal procedures were followed.

For the case of the death, he adds, the investigation procedure is being conducted before the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Leskovac, and the autopsy report has not yet been fully completed.

In the child's electronic health records, it can be seen that on August 19, he was taken to the doctor because of a sore throat," Momcilovic points out. .

The father, on the other hand, claims that the child was completely healthy when he handed him over to social workers.

"It is true that he had a fever a week ago. I took her to the doctor on August 26, 27, 28 and 29. After that, she was completely healthy. Did the doctor give the wrong treatment? But if it is as they claim, why was the child not examined by doctors before being taken to a foster family? Does this mean that the social workers were irresponsible and did not respect the legal procedures?" Demirovic doubts.

The director confirms that the child was placed with a foster parent without a previous medical examination.

There is an announcement on social networks that the REU organization offered to give the Demirović family free legal assistance, but unfortunately, Mr. Imer Kajtazi did not appear at the scheduled meeting with the REU president. For what reasons it is not yet known, the president of the REU Parliament, Tanja Jovanović Milovanović, announced on her FB profile.



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