Hundreds of Roma have been protesting in Bourgas for stopping water

Hundreds of Roma with posters, megaphones, whistles gathered this morning in front of the municipality building in Burgas and demanded the resignation of its leadership. The Roma are residents of the Pobeda neighborhood.

They want immediate release of the water supply, which the local water supply company stopped because of accumulated debts for more than 100 000 leva.
The Roma state that they could not go to school to be unloved, they would get scabbies, lice, measles.

BGN 100,000 account for water due to illegal water supply
The protest in Bourgas was guarded by gendarmerie and policemen with specially trained dogs.

Mayor Dimitar Nikolov said he does not accept the appeals for resignation. He explained to the protesters that the Water Supply and Sewerage Company is a state-owned company and can not be ordered to restore the water supply in the neighborhood.
"Whoever has a very large water bill and can not pay it right now has the right to make a deferred payment contract," said the mayor.

The Roma have threatened that if their request is not met, after 24 May they will leave their jobs in the cleaning municipal company and thus the city will be littered with junk.

"I urge people to calm down, I will not allow riots and escalation in the center of the city, I do not perceive these extreme calls for violence, the rules and laws in Bulgaria apply to all citizens and as a mayor I have to observe whether these laws are observed. to help them check their lots and who did not pay for it, and after this happens I will help them to restore the water supply, "said the mayor of Bourgas.

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