Italy: What actually happens to the Roma from the Giuliano Camp in the Campania region

On 22 May 2019, the Chief of the Civil Protection Department Angelo Borelli collected the request of the Roma Nation Association (ANR), to provide assistance to 500 citizens, evicted by the Municipality of Giugliano on 10 May 2019, by sending a letter to the Government Office Territorial and local institutions: "request for Civil Protection intervention, meeting with the Prefecture, suspension of evictions of Roma families in Giugliano and Metropolitan City, planning of social inclusion and transmission paths for the Public Prosecutor at the Court of Naples".

The documents were placed in the hands of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella

The Department of Civil Protection c / o the Presidency of the Council cannot intervene directly if the "state of emergency" is not proclaimed by local and regional authorities.

Responsibility for rescuing the Roma population, deprived of homes, water, electricity and sanitation, can only be ascribed to Mayor Antonio Pozziello, Prefecture of Naples and President of the Campania Region, Vincenzo de Luca.

The facts denounced by the ANR are soon summarized: to the citizens evicted from the Via Vicinale Viaticale camp, no real alternative housing solution was offered as foreseen instead by the circulars sent to the Prefects by Matteo Piantedosi Head of Cabinet of the Ministry of the Interior.

All of them are currently in Via Carrafiello in full hygienic-sanitary emergency.

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