The richest German family supported the Nazis

The Reyman family, one of the richest German business families, wholeheartedly supported the Nazis during the reign of National Socialism and used forced labor, the Bild am Sonntag reported.

After the announcement of this information, the heirs said they were embarrassed and announced they would donate 10 million euros for charity.

Namely, the "Bild am Sonntag" reported that the documents it came to reveal that the father and son - Albert Reimer the Elder and Albert Reiner Younger used Russian civilians and French prisoners of war as forced laborers.

A spokesman for the family, Peter Harf, who is at the helm of the holding company Rayman JAB, confirmed that Bild's allegations are correct.

He said the family never talked about the Nazi era, but evidence suggests that the father and son, who died in 1954 and 1984 respectively, deserved imprisonment.

The wealth of the family owned by some of the world's most famous brands, such as Jacobs, Calgon, Wella and others, is estimated at 33 billion euros.

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