The grandson of the Auschwitz Commander of the Auschwitz Rudolph Hess says: "I can only say that the idiots are respectable to the character and dedication of my grandfather"

Rainer is contrary to what his grandfather was and one of the leading justice fighters for World War II victims.

When I look at the world today, regrettably, I can conclude that we have nothing learned from the past, and it is high time to react, because ultralights are everywhere stronger throughout Europe, warns Rainer Hess, the grandson of the notorious conundown in Auschwitz Rudloof Hess.

He says: "For the respecters of the character and deed of my grandfather I can only say that they are idiots"

The history of Nazism is remembered by two Rudolf Hess, One Rudolf "right-hand man" of Hitler, while in the history of the crime, Rudolf Höss, as the man who commanded the longest command in the notorious Auschwitz, was recorded the second.

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