How did the Roma People get the "Gypsies"?

How and why the Roma people have been imposed under the "Gypsies" form. It is widely known that this adjective for Roma for their appointment is by the majority population of the Roma population.

But that word "Gypsies are never used in the mutual communication between the Roma when speaking in Romani. The conclusion is followed, and that is that in the Roma language there is no word "gypsy", and he is a non-Roma counterpart to label them as people with bad habits.

Otherwise, the Roma are named according to their dialect and tribal gender such as Roma, Sinti, Kale, Manush and so on.

The written documents were given the name of the 11th century dated, and "Gypsy" comes from the Greek word Antihganos τσιγγάνοι or ἀτσίγγανοι, which in that translation means untouchable, and today this translation is labeled as "dirty, thief, deceiver, ignorant, bad ... .
How did the Roma groups get this name after their emigration from India?

In the above-mentioned region, before the arrival of these Roma groups, a group of "sects" practiced magic, they were rejected by the population as Antichrists, and called "Antigangs".

With the advent of the Roma ethnic group, because of their similarity to the sect that had come to an end before their arrival, the domicile population replaced it with the previous sect by calling it the same name Antihganos.

The name for identifying this people was officially received at the IERU's First Romani World Congress in London in 1971, which decided that this ethnic group should be called a Roma who in Romani means "Man."

It is time and it would be good for these ugly appointments for a nation to be reduced to a minimum and jointly try to eliminate these negative pious names for the Roma.


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