Memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe murdered in National Socialism recorded in the official visitor's program of the Federal Press Office

From 1 May 2019, the monument to the Sinti and Roma of Europe murdered by National Socialism will be included in the official visit program of the Federal Press Office. In the future, visitor groups will have the opportunity to visit this as an official program item.

At the initiative of MEP Filiz Polat of Alliance 90 / The Greens, who expressed this wish to the last meeting of the Advisory Committee on German Sinti and Roma issues at the end of last year to the Commissioner for Foreigners and National Minorities Bernd Fabritius, this has now been implemented.

The memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe, murdered during National Socialism, is a memorial on the Simsonweg in the Tiergarten in Berlin south of the Reichstag. It is intended to commemorate thePorajmos, the National Socialist genocide of the Gypsy persecuted Sinti and Roma, with up to 500,000 victims of men, women and children.

The monument of the artist Dani Karavan consists of a fountain with a retractable stone, on which a fresh flower lies daily. In addition, panels inform about exclusion and mass murder of this minority during the National Socialist reign of terror.


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