How is it possible for Nortmund Rudevic of Latvia to be the legal president of his Riga IRU, and the last Congress he did 5 years ago?

To what extent does the parallel IRU of Latvia, Riga whose "president" is Northmund Rudevic, organize besides the then non-statutory 9th Congress in August 2019 during their music festival traditionally organized with funds from the State of Latvia, and distorting it the moment he self-invited guests for the festival and then they sat down and "organized a Congress". They invited the "IRU Riga Members" as their guests and made it their Presidency!

And then in the following period, without observing the statutory provisions of the true IRU (registration, head office, Statute, etc.), they began their offensive propaganda in front of international institutions presenting themselves as a "valid IRU", inflicting catastrophic degradation and damage on the IRU as a whole. the whole Roma people.

With these moves, Northmund made a complete confusion to the divided international public. And then, realizing the concrete and transparent activity of the lawful IRU, headed by Zoran Dimov, elected in March 2016 at the 10th Congress, in the period that passed he wanted to bring about a "rapprochement with the valid IRU, but with the ultimate goal to disrupt it. the true integrity of the IRU.

One of those segments was the position of the Board of Trustees at the EVZ Foundation in Berlin, where he first went alone and presented himself as "President of the IRU", then EVZ found out the truth about his "rigged IRU" and then in a mutual agreement. Zoran Dimov will be named associate member of the EVZ Board of Trustees, and then in 2018 Northmund will again send a letter to EVZ with the wording "Pooh, the deal does not apply".

In all this time, unlike the IRU headed by Zoran Dimov, has held five Parliamentary sessions (Skopje 2016, Belgrade 2017, Pula 2018, Helsingborg 2018 and Skopje 2019), Northmund has "managed" to do throughout this period from 2015 to date only one - Moldova December 2018!

At the same time, Zoran Dimov's IRU succeeded in restoring its IRU status to the UN in June 2018 - ECOSOC and opened three offices in Vienna, New York, and Geneva with its IRU representatives at the UN. It has strengthened co-operation with the EU, the EC, the CoE and other international institutions.

It is active with participation in European institutions, both in Brussels and in Strasbourg, Vienna, Geneva, Berlin and other cities.
It has its own plan, program of action and a large number of Roma action plans undertaken. All this is implemented with submitted documents in the form of Resolutions, Declarations, etc. documents.

What does Northmund do with his IRU 2020 from Latvia? Virtually nothing! Five years and no concrete activity on behalf of the Roma !.

Looking at his IRU 2020 site, Riga Latvia, you will notice that they are not active at all and the information is outdated. 60% of the members registered there are not active in this field, but only "figure" since August 2015!

Unfortunately, those members are no longer among the living! Many of them responded in 2015 that they were not even part of "that IRU" and were put on that list without their consent !. -

Roma activism wonders when Northmund Rudevich will manipulate the public and when he will play the role of - IRU 2020 President!

According to the IRU Statute, the IRU Congress is held every 4 years, with my Presidency and Northmund re-elected not even after 5 years - he still doesn't want to do Congress!
That's how far Northmund IRU 2020 has come!

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