RDS analysis - Applying the refund of 15% of VAT, is the execution of the shadow economy

Starting from July 1, the government project started - a 15% VAT return on the natural person.

All citizens have the right to return, and according to the calculation that the maximum 15% VAT refund for one quarter family is maximum 30.000 denars - 500 euros.

The main role is played by fiscal accounts that are the main key in implementing this project.

They are then sent to the PRO via a downloaded application "My VAT" from Android phones in a scanned form.

The purpose of the project is to give citizens a part of the money, but also to be inspectors, not to buy without fiscal.

This means that those "petty" traders who do not have the opportunity to register their businesses, and everyday depend on the resale of improvised or rented stalls, can easily get out of work, because it is normal that some of the citizens will be in the interest to buy there where they will give them fiscal.

It comes to the conclusion that those petty traders can very easily stay without work, income, turnover and livelihoods!

But the experts calculated that this amount of VAT refunds of 15% would get the richest who have more money to spend.
Will that mean that those with a "drop of pockets" if they give up scanning and send fiscal taxes for VAT refunds of 15%, then a more favorable option of bargaining without a fiscal one.

Otherwise, the older people often know about the functioning of the system, state citizens, and commitments to one another, they can comment on the style: "We know that they are fighting a state with a state, only in our country fighting a state with their citizens"

Otherwise, the entire project will cost the budget about 50m euros, but the expectations are that the collection of VAT will increase. The money will be repaid every three months.

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