RDS: The balls are over, are there any food for the poor?

The period that passed was the period of "Ballomania". Traditional Roma balls were widely advertised, and all this effected with a large number of visitors. And precisely this, the forecasts were realized on all organized balls (the main ones were for Macedonia balls organized by SRM of Amdi Bayram and the Municipality of Shuto Orizari organized by Mayor Kurto Dudush.

It was over, the attendance was high despite the "burning prices" for the rich menu. They ranged from 25 to 100 euros. There were both domestic and foreign guests. They came, ate, drank, rejoiced and left. The organizers calculated where they are and what they are. According to the conversations, they were positive!

But one question arises. What about all the food that remained ? And surely it remained! We know that among the Roma there are families who barely make ends meet and that there are families who literally go hungry.

Is not the more humane aspect of all that is not used as food, to be shared among that category of people. Let's organize for example "Week for a humane meal".

At least from that aspect and bar, the feeling of humanity will be minimally shown to its fellow citizens who not only do not have a minimal chance of being part of those Balovi, let them feel the joy of the food itself. Let it be minimal, but the feeling that someone has thought and is overwhelming.

With a full stomach, you think better? Let those who have eaten and sit down shake their brain waves and make this move. And one more moment. Please do not "selfi" and "Live".

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