Željko Jovanović at a meeting with part of the System Solutions Network and the National Roma Platform: "Roma from Macedonia should strive for a cultural revolution and internal orientation"

The head of the newly established Roma Foundation, where the Soros Foundation transferred 100 million euros for the Roma, Željko Jovanović had a meeting with some of the members of the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions of the Roma Community and also initiators of the Roma National Platform.

Zoran Dimov, Coordinator of the Network and RNP, and members Erol Ademov from Shtip, Ahmet Jasharevski from Kumanovo, Shenaj Osmanov from Shtip and Ramush Muarem from Skopje were present at that meeting. Ali Redzep Chupi was also present at the meeting accompanied by Jovanovic.

During the meeting, it was discussed about the positive and negative situations in the NGO sector, and about the political activities of the Roma community in the country and the non-implementation of action plans and their capacities and positions of influence.

During the discussions, Jovanović mentioned that the Roma in the country should focus on the future strategic goals regarding the economic, political and cultural clarification of the Roma community.

- Our goal is to take decisions and put them into practice that are in the interest of the Roma community. And in order to achieve that, it is necessary to strive for a cultural revolution and internal orientation," said Željko Jovanović.

The representatives of the Network and the National Roma Platform mentioned that it is necessary without delay with all capacities to focus on joint action without individual or group highlights.

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