Roma women from Serbia and North Macedonia founded the first association of Roma women registered in Germany

Roma women of Serbian and Macedonian nationality founded the first association of Roma women registered in Germany.

The basic postulates of the Association of Romani women are strengthening the position of Romani women in the family and society, the fight against violence, forced and early marriages, as well as domestic and sexual violence.

The Serbian Consulate in Dusseldorf, Consul General Pranislava Peric and the Roma Integration Center helped to form and register this association.

Peric said that together with the Roma Integration Center (RICOM) she came up with the idea of organizing Roma women and for the first time in the history of North Rhine-Westphalia to create an association that will deal with topics that are exclusively in the interest of Roma women.

The president of the Roma Women's Association, Songjul Ahmed, told Tanjug that the biggest problem for Roma women is the language barrier.

"The state has programs for integration, but those programs are not available for our women and we have seen that there are no results. "There are women who have been living in Germany for years, but still have problems finding a good job or getting an education," she pointed out.

Ahmed says that the problem is not only state institutions, but also their communities.

The association currently has 13 members, and their headquarters are in Dusseldorf.

The Roma Women's Association was created as a branch of the Roma Integration Center, an organization that in its two years of existence established contacts and cooperation with important institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia.





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