The activists from the Network for Systemic and Permanent solutions had a meeting with the State Secretary in the Ministry for Justice – Mr. Muhamed Toci

“It is of utmost importance to use every piece of the “mosaic” in order to have an appropriate access to justice, the role of the civil sector, NGO is an important part in the picture of the mosaic of success” – said the State Secretary in the Ministry for Justice – Mr. Muhamed Toci during the meeting with the representatives from the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions. The network itself was represented by Shenaj Osmanov, Zoran Dimov and the current Member of Parliament in the Macedonian Assembly, Ljatifa Shikovska.

Several topics were discussed, however the focus was to deepen the collaboration between the Roma NGO sector and the Ministry for Justice in the fields of justice and the Roma community.

Both parties expressed pleasure and readiness for this collaboration on higher levels. Also, the representatives of the Network wished Toci many successes in his new venture.

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