From the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions posthumously with a plaque awarded Amdi Bajram and Dr. Trajko Petrovski

On the occasion of the International Roma Day and the 50th anniversary of the IRU, the network for systemic and sustainable solutions consisting of a growing number of Roma NGOs, awarded several plaques to prominent institutions and individuals.

The plaque for "Special Contribution to the Roma Community" was also received posthumously by two prominent Roma figures.

In the field of politics and activities for a better future of the Russian community, the plaque was intended for the now deceased longtime member of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and President of the Roma Union Amdi Bajram. Also in the field of scientific creation and research, the Doctor of Ethnology and Ethnogenesis of the Roma Trajko Petrovski, a longtime expert and employee of the Marko Cepenkov Institute in Skopje, received a plaque posthumously.

On their behalf the plaques were raised by Gabriel Bajram and Daniel Petrovski and were awarded by the coordinator of the Network Zoran Dimov


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