NGO LULUDI online campaign - Get informed! Anyone can be a victim of human trafficking:

The Roma NGO "LULUDI" starts a campaign, through distribution and promotion on social networks (Facebook, Instagram) as well as theirs (website), for education and awareness raising among young people and the general population, in order to recognize the most common forms of trafficking with children and girls. This campaign will take place in the period April - May 2021, and is part of the project "All together in preventing trafficking in children and girls", financially supported by the European Union and the Council of Europe, within the joint program of the EU and Council of Europe - Horizontal Instrument for the Western Balkans and Turkey "(Horizontal facilitiy II) 2019-2022

Statistics show that millions of young people and children, women and men alike, are subjected to daily sexual exploitation, forced prostitution, forced begging, and other forms of coercion. It is estimated that there are between 20 and 40 million victims of human trafficking internationally.


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