IRU delegate from Turkey Kemal Vural Tarlan says: "Over 200,000 Roma live in the area of Turkey affected by the earthquake

The International Roma Union - IRU and its president Zoran Dimov, and all IRU delegates who are more than 60 from 50 countries sent an appeal to the UN, the European Union, international organizations, associations of the Roma diaspora and all international actors to urgently help the Roma, as well as to other vulnerable citizens of Turkey in the area of seismic movements (earthquake).

According to the IRU, the delegate from the Republic of Turkey Kemal Vural Tarlan with his organization Kırkayak Kültü from Gaziantep states that the exact number of dead and injured is not yet known, but it is known that about 200,000 Roma lived in the area of the ten threatened cities.

Their houses have been destroyed and it is appealed, except for the Roma, to help everyone. IRU deeply believes in and supports good relations between Turks and Roma who are citizens of Turkey.

At the same time, the IRU expressed its condolences to the President of Turkey, Recep Tayip Erdogan.

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