Italy: IRU member Giulia Di Rocco forms Italy's first Roma political party "Mishtipe"

The first National Roma and Sinti Political Party in Italy is formed by three Roma activists, who have been working in the field of human rights for many years and are involved in the fight against discrimination. The Mishtipe party was formed on December 4, 2020 in Lanciano Abruzzo.
"Mishtipe" originates from the Union of Indigenous Italian Roma from 1300 years ago from the tribes of the ancient Abruzzi and Molisani.
The National Party of Roma and Sinti "Mishtipe" is the answer to the solution of the problem that is no longer only cultural and social, but also political, which was missing in Italy. The real news is that the majority of the board is made up of Romani women
Focused activities for equality of men and women. Fight against discrimination and hatred against Roma and Sinti. The president of the "Mishtipen" party is Giulia Di Rocco, a prominent member of the IRU.
Roma activist Virginia Morello is vice president, while Anthony Guarnieri  is secretary general.


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