IRU focused on plans and strategies for the next four years

Following the conclusion of the 11th IRU Congress at the end of June and the election of the new IRU leadership headed by the old - new IRU President Zoram Dimov, the established presidency as well as the IRU Commissioners are now focusing on preparations for plans and program for the next four years, It is a challenge to prepare quality programs in each of the 13 IRU Commercials that covers all the fields affected by the Roma nation.

At the same time, for the first time in its leadership, the IRU has for the first time established a balance between women and men with 50-50 government participation,

60 new IRU delegates have just been hired and together with the reformed and old staff, the IRU now has 100 delegates from 55 countries worldwide. There is a coordinator for each country and a coordinator for that country. At the same time, the activities continue with the close cooperation with all relevant international institutions such as the UN, EU, EP, EC, CoE, EVZ, IOM, as well as other relevant world institutions, foundations and canals.

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