IRU President Zoran Dimov will take part in the Video Conference organized by the Center for Roma Studies and Cultural Relations (CRSCR) from India.

The Center for Roma Studies and Cultural Relations (CRSCR) from India will hold a Video Conference on Wednesday, August 5, 2020, starting at 11 a.m. Central European Time.

The topic will be the exchange and presentation of valuable reflections and studies on a topic that covers challenges as well as efforts in recent centuries to integrate the Roma community with major societies and their socio-economic conditions.

Among the numerous participants from all over the world, the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov will have his speech, who will present his views. (CRSCR) was founded by Antar Rashriya Sahigo Parishad (ARSP) with the support of the Indian Council on Cultural Relations (MCCR). It conducts research studies on various aspects of the Roma community, as well as expands its engagement with them. Adhering to its commitment, (CRSCR) regularly announces activities / conferences with the participation of international and Indian scholars. The conference will be attended by, among others, 8 other international Roma scholars, leaders, community representatives and activists, as well as Indian Roma scholars for an academic session of the conference.

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