One of the topics at the IRU Congress in Skopje will be: "Respect for the Rights of Ethnic Prisoners through the Prism of the Roma Community"

The activities and respect for fundamental human rights will also be discussed at the upcoming 11th IRU Congress in Skopje, where experts and experts in the field will present their opinions and opinions.


One of those segments is the topic: "Respect for the Rights of Prisoners from Ethnic Communities through the Prism of the Roma Community"


As its keynote speaker, it is planned to be a D-r Natasha Amdiu at the Faculty of Security at the Climent Ohridski University Bitola.


The topic will be aimed at previous questionnaires with affected persons - convicts / prisoners and this questionnaire will aim to obtain information on the level of recognition of problems by convicts, including members of the smaller ethnic communities in the Idrizovo Prison. , PCC Prison Skopje and PCI Stip, on 20 respondents from each prison individually.


In this regard, the questionnaire is divided into four (4) sections: general information, problem recognition and information, and use of existing mechanisms for access to justice.


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