President of the IRU Zoran Dimov with his speeches at the 16th and 17th working session of the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Warsaw, 26.09.2019

The President of the IRU Zoran Dimov was among the invited guests at the OSCE Conference in Warsaw on September 26th.

Two Workshops, both 16 and 17, were also held.
The first 16 working sessions were titled " Roma and Sinti Participation in Public and Political Life is scheduled„

Here, Zoran Dimov presented the role of the Roma media as well as the establishment of an independent Roma election observer in the states under the auspices of the OSCE.

In a second work session titled " Housing and Residential Homes, Especially Concerning the Situation of Forced Eviction and Segregation of Roma and Sinti,, there were frequent human rights violations and the need for a Roma Obdusman to establish the IRU as an independent contact point body, and presented his assignment.

Both speeches have had a positive effect with expected results and actions in the coming time.

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