IRU President Zoran Dimov Visits Roma Camps in Rome-Italy

As part of their activities last weekend, IRU President Zoran Dimov, along with Marcelo Zunisi, President of the Italian Roma and Sinti Association, met with Italian President Giuseppe Conti, where they were handed the documents in support of these two Roma organizations for the benefit of the situation. Roma in Italy.

In addition, as part of the activities Zoran Dimov together with Marcelo Zuni also made a visit to one of the Roma camps in Italy-Rome, where they had meetings and talks with the Roma residents of those camps.

They got acquainted with the conditions and heard all the problems the Roma faced in those camps.

Most of these Roma people have informed them that they want to be included in social flows (housing, education, health and employment).

They also informed the Roma from those camps that the Italian Government has funds from the EU Structural Funds to invest in improving the living conditions of Roma in those camps such as compliance with the national and European laws of the monitoring committees
(1303/2013) and procedures for inclusion.

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