IRU Protest Note

The International Roma Union - IRU, as the first and largest Roma organization in the world, which represents over 60 members and delegates from 50 countries from all continents, is deeply concerned and devotedly following the latest developments regarding the situation of Roma from the village of Vojvodina - Plovdiv, R. Bulgaria and the demolition of their houses.
At the same time, the fact and rhetoric used in this case is also worrisome by senior state officials in the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria (for example, the Minister of Defense, Mr. Karakachanov), directs his hate speech towards Roma from this state, only encourages an even more extreme charge against this population.
We are all aware that it is necessary to abide by the legal regulations and respecting the laws themselves, but it is also necessary to take into consideration the important human aspect. In times when weather conditions do not allow it, and actions are taken to leave literally in the street, women, children, elderly and feeble people are an indication that it is not really a policy that is advocated by a country that is part of the European family and fights against all forms of discrimination, segregation, intolerance and other activities that violate basic human rights.
This is more like a form where, from one group, party, leader or sympathizers of one political option, they achieve their pre-election promises and gain political points than any state strategy.
This kind of intolerance only perceives some events that are not coming back for decades of the last century
There are forms and ways of resolving possible problems, which we believe that Bulgaria has democratic instruments for their resolution. It can also be done through various adopted state strategies for solving problems such as housing, employment, education and social inclusion.
Here we believe also the numerous civil society organizations that can solve painful and favorable solutions in order to solve these problems together with the state.
Therefore, the IRU appeals to all relevant international organizations and institutions such as the European Union, the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the UN, the OSCE, the ODIHR, the Helsinki Committee and others to take immediate actions and respond to this type of discrimination and intolerance to fight its effective elimination of such phenomena.
At the same time, the IRU, which has its own Plan and Program, a resolution and similar documents available to all the above mentioned institutions to cooperate in finding optimal solutions, are in the spirit of respecting fundamental human rights. At the same time, IRU together with the Bulgarian state bodies can work in finding optimal solutions that will benefit all stakeholders.
Once again, the IRU, appeal to all international institutions and organizations to take steps and actions for the elimination of this kind of undemocratic actions.

With respect
Zoran Dimov
President of IRU

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