Happy Birthday: Tom and Jerry celebrate 80 years

Popular cartoon heroes, cat Tom and mouse Jerry, are celebrating 80 years of existence this week. The story of a cat and mouse living in the same house that is constantly overcrowded, wracked with wild situations, is created in the animation department of the film production house MGM. Authors Bill Hannah and Joe Barberra aimed to achieve the success of Walt Disney.


The first episode was published in 1940, with the cat named Jasper at the beginning and the mouse - Shinx. It has achieved enormous success and even earned him an Academy Award nomination for the studio's best short animated film.


Shortly afterwards, Jasper and Hinks were renamed Tom and Jerry. Whether or not they talk, the authors took into account the success of the silent films with Charlie Chaplin, so they knew the characters could be fun and without dialogue.


Cartoon music was composed by Scott Bradley, and Tom's famous human scream immortalized Hannah personally.


For the first 20 years, Hannah and Barbera produced over 100 short cartoons, each costing an average of $ 50,000.


Bill Hannah died in 2001, and Joe Barbera in 2006.


The rights to display the "Tom and Jerry" cartoons today are owned by the Warner Bros. Company. A new movie is planned ahead of Catholic Christmas this 2020.

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