The first Roma Islamic Mobile Application was developed

In the month of fasting - Ramadan, the mobile application for the Roma Islamic School (R.I.Š) was put into use. This application in the Romani language and this category is the first among the Roma.

Immediately, many people showed interest in this application, which can be downloaded for free from Google PlayStore.

For now, only an Android version is ready. The iOS version is under construction and will soon be ready to download AppStore from Apple. Roma Islamic school or abbreviated R. I. Š. is actually an Islamic Educational Center for Roma, located in the municipality of Shuto Orizari, in Skopje, Macedonia.

This center was set up this year by volunteers of leches with Hoxha Ibrahim Rufat Aydin. This center is based on the teachings of Ehl-i-Sunnet ve-l-Djemaat akida and Ebu Hanif fikh belief.

The Roma Islamic school is informal where young people learn the basic parvilla in religion. This mobile application was developed by the Roma graduate software engineer Elvis Hajdar and IT company Anton Soft.

Application link:

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