Tyson Fury revealed what Usyk would have to accept in order to arrange a match for the absolute champion

Boxing fans still do not lose hope for the fight between Tyson Fury and Alexander Usyk, which would give the absolute heavyweight champion.

Fury's promoter, Bob Arum, said a few days ago that their match could be arranged for December or early next year.

The King of the Roma has recently repeatedly repeated that his earnings are in the first place, and he repeated this in an interview with TV Fight Hub on the eve of the meeting against Francis Ngannou on October 28 in Saudi Arabia.

The Briton said he could consider fighting Usyk if his potential opponent accepted a lower fee.

"Was it ever my priority?" When did I say I wanted to be the absolute champion? Others have always dreamed of it," said Tyson Fury and continued:

“I'm dealing with Francis Ngannou. If that little sausage wants to fight for the titles and is willing to take a small percentage of the earnings, maybe we can work out a match. If he wants more money, then none of that. Usyk and his team retreated. We gave them a fight at Wembley and we moved on. "Now I'm waiting for the fight against Nganu, who is getting better."

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