Romani kickboxer Václav Sivák remains undefeated after his 24th straight victory

Václav Sivák, one of the Czech Republic's best athletic representatives, has notched up another victory. During the Real Fight Arena (RFA) 14 gala evening in Košice, Slovakia, he unambiguously defeated German kickboxer Christopher Hopp, who proved to be a harsh opponent, on points. Sivák has therefore maintained his undefeated record with a 24th victory. He was the clear favorite ahead of the match, with 23 victories and zero defeats on his record, while his opponent’s score was 16-14.

Despite the clear dominance displayed by Sivák, Hopp resisted for an unexpectedly long time and didn’t give up even after being down for the count in the very first round. Referees ultimately awarded Sivák the victory on points, but he was not satisfied and acknowledged his opponent’s tenacity.

“Respect. He was a hard guy, as you all could see. He had nothing to lose,” Sivák, who is a native of Ostrava, said just after the match when expressing his gratitude to the RFA organization for giving him the chance to compete.

“I feel at home in the ring, I need to fight. Big thanks to the RFA for the chance,” said Sivák, who was bothered by the fact that he hadn’t ended the match with a knockout.






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