Sport Against Racism

The Roma Initiative for Sustainable Development is with guests from the National Roma Team of Serbia and Slovenia, the Roma Sports Association Initiative for Roma for Freedom of Sustainable Development. visited the stadium Rajko Mitic in Belgrade as part of their visit to Serbia. They also all sent a strong message of peace, unity and harmony. In addition, the Red Crescent Museum was also visited! Otherwise the idea for this visit is the future National Roma Team of Europe !!!

"Say No to Racism" is a key message of the RIZOR campaign launched in Serbia in collaboration with the Phare Network (an organization called Football Against Racism) - an international network aimed at preventing discrimination in football. Relevant research (UNDP, CESID, IPSOS) several years ago indicates that the percentage of the majority of citizens who possess stereotypes and prejudices towards the Roma population does not decrease.

Recently, Serbia's Roma National Team fights for its emancipation and escape from isolation - winner of recent regional sports competition

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