Balkan profile boxing scandal - Dead Bulgarian boxer fights under another name - Jesus is alive, Boris dies!

The Bulgarian boxer who died in a match in Shkodra, Albania, was called Boris Stanchov, not Jesus Velichkov, as announced by the Bulgarian Professional Boxing Alliance. Stanchev went up and entered the ring under Velichkov's name, Bulgarian media reported.

Velichkov himself, with the status of social networks, expressed regret over the death of his colleague.

Rest in peace, champion! I will always carry you in your heart, wrote Velickov.

It is not yet clear how the names and documents were changed. The whole situation needs to be cleared up by the leadership of the Bulgarian Boxing Professional Alliance.

Bulgarian boxer Boris Stanchov was 21 and died in a hospital in Albania. According to local Albanian media, he did not die from strokes during the match, but from a heart attack. The autopsy is expected to give the final word.

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