Billy Joe Saunders beats Shefat Isufi to win WBO world super-middleweight title

Billy Joe Saunders raised the Roma Flag on winning the WBO world super middle-weight title. He comes in a long line of fighters that include Henry Cooper, Gypsy Johnny Franklin, Tyson Fury - and many others.

The former WBO middleweight belt holder joined the list of two-weight world champions in dominant style, showing punch variety and classy movement.

The 29-year-old was briefly wobbled by a right hand in the sixth round but found poise again to capture the belt.

Judges scored the fight 120-108 117-111 118-110 in favour of the Englishman.

Earlier in the night British heavyweight Joe Joyce, a 2016 Olympic silver medallist, extended his record to nine wins from nine when a left hook in the third round floored Alexander Ustinov, who could not answer the count.

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