Tragedy: One of the most famous Spanish football players of Jose Antonio Reyes died in a car accident!

The former Real Madrid player, Sevilla, Arsenal and Atletico Madrid lost their lives in a car accident with their car.

The ex-Spanish national was 35 years old and was quite popular among football fans. It is known that Reyes had Romani roots!
He was traveling along the A-376 motorway, then he left the road, and death was caused by the burning car.

At the age of 16, Reyes debuted at the Sevilla jersey. For 30 million in the 2003/04 season he moved to Arsenal to win the Premier League, the FA Cup and the Communist Shield Trophy.

He returned to his native Spain as a borrowed footballer in Real Madrid and was one of the key players in winning the trophy in Primera. He then took his career to Atletico Madrid and Benfica and ended up in Extremadura, which saved him from relegation from Segunda.

The accident happened in his hometown of Utrera, located in Andalusia.

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